Common Causes Of Depression

As we all know, depression is a known health issue in the world. In fact, nearly 30,000 people commit suicide globally every year as a result of the health condition. In addition, it is difficult to treat depression without developing an understanding of its causes. On a more positive note, many organizations including are committed to helping people suffering from depression. In this article, we will reveal the most notable causes of depression.

 Causes Of Depression

Poor Health

Poor health can cause depression since the person affected cannot live his or her life freely. It hinders a person from pursuing goals effectively. Moreover, poor health can also cause depression to the patient as well as family and friends due to the resulting financial burden.

Financial Trouble

We cannot deny the fact the financial success is one of the key sources of happiness in the world. Most people that are economically empowered have the means to meet their wants and needs and this in turn results in happiness. Financial trouble, on the other hand, results in misery since an individual is not able to meet his or her needs effectively. It may also mean a change in lifestyle to match the new financial situation. A person may also become depressed when he or she cannot meet financial obligations such as loan repayments.

 Causes Of Depression

Loss Of A Loved One

Some people find it difficult to come to terms with the loss of a loved one. For instance, a parent losing a child or a married person losing his or her partner can lead to severe depression. The people affected usually question the essence of life and in most cases, are left wondering why they have to continue living. Depression caused by the loss of a loved one can only be overcome once the people affected begin to accept that there are some things that they have no control over and thus cannot change.

Marital Strife & Divorce

This is another common cause of depression. The falling apart of a marriage could leave a spouse devastated and hopeless. Most people invest a lot of time, emotions, and resources in such unions and thus cannot cope when they fail to last. Typically, one spouse is usually more affected than the other is. Hence, the most affected person in the union will be left with the task of picking up the pieces and moving on. It can be hard to move on especially when one had become used to being married. The feeling of loss, betrayal and wasted time as a result of marital strife and divorce is one of the leading causes of depression in the world.

A History Of Sexual Abuse

People who are sexually abused either when young or in adulthood may develop depression. Most sexual abuse victims usually feel worthless and sometimes judged by the world. The psychological stress that sexual abuse places on the victims may lead to depression and in some cases suicide.…